Maplewell Endurance ride

As anyone who knows her would predict, Tissy had a fabulous time doing 16km at the Maplewell Endurance ride. Thank you to Sport Endurance for managing to pull the ride off in very very very wet conditions, we really appreciated exploring part of the countryside we’d never been to before.

It started off pretty well with some millimetre perfect trailer reversing under pressure from me (anyone else a pro trailer reverser and then one day it’s like you’ve never done it in your life, the fear that it will happen is always there). We then proceeded to have lovely weather over some great tracks. We took it a little slower than usual as Tissy isn’t long back in work but as per usual she was up for it and pretty cross about the slower speed.

I grinned the whole way around and we then finished off with a Burger and cake. So all in all everything went perfectly. The journey, the parking, the ride, the food. I really appreciated a drama free fun day.

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