Blog Posts

Bye for now

We’ve put out 225 vlogs over the last 4 years, the idea was to document my journey of getting a horse from Novice to FEI in Endurance. It hasn’t quite panned out that way, with 4 novice seasons later but I’ve really enjoyed having the footage to look back on and I know that in…

Maplewell Endurance ride

As anyone who knows her would predict, Tissy had a fabulous time doing 16km at the Maplewell Endurance ride. Thank you to Sport Endurance for managing to pull the ride off in very very very wet conditions, we really appreciated exploring part of the countryside we’d never been to before. It started off pretty well…

Missing the first ride of the season

I was pretty down in the dumps about Estrid missing the Cannock chase ride due to injury but actually it didn’t slap me like it used to. In the many pony injuries over the last 10 years, a kind of silver lining, is that I appreciate just getting to the start line of a goal,…

Tissy Time

It was great to be back on my trusty steed for our first after work hack of 2024. Although Tissy is less than enthusiastic about hacks from home and even less so about, what she considers a pointless gait, having to walk the majority of it. She’s always been this way, this pony loves adventure,…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Beth. I started this blog and our Vlog over on YouTube to spread the word about the wonderful sport of Endurance horse riding. It has been a passion of mine from a very young age and I hope to take you on my journey to competing for Team GBR.

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